Member-only story
Apparently we like to be really ticked off at each other in this nation and find ways to make enemies of our fellow citizens. Everyone has to have their thing and I guess this is just what America is really good at currently. Yay!
What do I think about abortion and the recent leak of the Supreme Court ruling? I’m glad you asked (Not!).
But hey, this is my blog. And my blog is the location where I dump all the stuff that is going on in my head. And lately I’ve been thinking about abortion and the Supreme Court leak and all the reactions to these things. Not because I want to though. It’s just impossible not to think about abortion lately.
Here’s where I come down on this.
I think the whole discussion is seriously flawed. It’s a no win situation. Doesn’t matter what position you take, there are no winners. Why? Because we are making arguments about abortion as if it’s something that can be compartmentalized, removed from everything else in life, taken completely separate, as if it has no impact and nothing else has an impact on it. Seriously?!? This is insane.
Show me one example from any time in history in which abortion is completely removed from all other aspects of a person’s life? I’ll wait.
This is how I know most people aren’t actually interested in talking about the reality of abortion or the implications of it being legal or not — because we are too busy keeping it an abstract issue that has no ramifications for the people who…