Amen to all of that. I think part of the challenge is that we equate our ideas with our identity. In that sense we make our ideas into idols. We have misplaced our identity in something other than God.
Conversation, actual conversation, is difficult work for most people because they aren't used to it. I don't say this to be arrogant as if I have all the answers or am some kind of expert in this.
Conversation requires listening, critical thinking, self-differentiation, holding complex ideas, and being willing to question your own beliefs.
the rare times I have had the privilege of engaging in actual conversation, it was a real blessing. The key to such a conversation is starting out with both people, or the group, not trying to win or be right. Rather, real conversation only happens if everyone is interested in learning. Then conversation becomes a blast. Some of the best conversations I've had are with people I completely disagree with because we didn't approach the conversation as a contest to win or to convert someone to our way of thinking, but to learn how they came to their conclusions. I love conversations like that.