As a Christian pastor, let me tell you that there is some terrible and dangerous and destructive theologies out there. I have no doubt you could write a multi-volume tome. The example you are talking about is a prime example. I don't know who taught this guy anything about Christianity, but he's way, way off. Christians being perfect? Christians not sinning and are incapable of sin? Wow. Where did he get that idea? If Christians are perfect and incapable of sinning, then I wonder why this guy thinks he needs a savior. This is like saying someone is trained as a doctor, so they can't possibly get sick. It makes no sense. Stuff like this drives me nuts. All the finger pointing and self-righteousness is not healthy. All the condemning others is way out of bounds. And I recognize there is a long history of it. You nailed so much of this at the end - abuse. There are far too many Christians who continue the cycle of abuse. It has to end and be replaced with a Christianity that actually looks like Jesus - caring about the outcast, being a peacemaker, working towards shalom, etc. That's the only version of Christianity that's going to have a positive impact on the world. And it's the only Christianity that is open enough to see the humanity in others who have different beliefs, to put it mildly. And that's the only version of Christianity that associate myself with. The rest of it can dissolve and be forgotten, never to return and cause harm again.