Book Summary of “Switch — How to Change Things When is Hard” by Chip and Dan Heath

Pastor Matthew Best
4 min readJan 3, 2023

Often I try to write book reviews of books I have read. These encompass quotes from the book — sentences and sections that really caught my attention and insights the author had that I find interesting. There may also be things that I highlight that I want to engage in conversation with the author about — things that I’m not convinced about or I disagree with, but are worth highlighting.

But today, I wanted to do something a bit different — I wanted to do a summary of a book I read over the summer. Chip and Dan Heath write about change. I love change. It’s a topic that is so very needed. Here’s the thing, there isn’t a right way to do it because we’re dealing people and people generally are messy and complicated and don’t act rationally. And when it comes to change, there are people who will do irrational things just for spite. But then there are some wonderful people who will go out of there way to make change happen because they recognize that change needs to happen in order for the organization, business, relationship, life to go on and to thrive. That’s a beautiful thing. And so we ought to encourage these folks as much as possible — give them the tools they need and support them to make the changes they have to make to overcome the obstacles and people they will come across who will get in the way of make needed changes.

“Switch” was published in 2010 and it is still relevant today because change is just as hard today as it was 13 years ago —…



Pastor Matthew Best

My name is Matthew Best. I’m an ELCA (Lutheran) pastor who attempts to translate church and churchy stuff into everyday language.