Definitions are important. Without common definitions, that's how wars and disputes happen. People using the same words, but they mean different things. Luther and the Catholic Church are a good example of that with the word grace.
Back to your question - the best days are the days in which the Kingdom of God is implemented. You can use the word Shalom as well, since it is what the Kingdom of God is all about. Shalom meaning wholeness and completeness. Shalom is the way of God's peace.
Is the church I serve growing maturing Christians is your question? That depends on the definition. Here's what I see of the people in the congregation - there are people growing in discipleship, being empowered to do ministry rather than watching others do ministry for them, serving their neighbor, welcoming the stranger, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick. The mission we are called to relates to those experiencing homelessness in our area. It's not a one way street where we are trying to "fix" people. We are building community with folks, sharing our lives with one another, along with faith in a variety of ways. Is it perfect? - hardly, but Jesus doesn't call us to be perfect. He calls us follow, to love, to extend grace and mercy.