Erika, thanks for reading the post and for your response. Regardless of the ad, there really isn't anything I can do about an ad during the Super Bowl. That's really my point. I don't support the theology of the people behind the ads. Just like I have some real issues with so much of popular Christianity in America. So the question is what can I do. I can live in such a way that aligns with what Jesus is about - shalom, welcoming people, seeing the image of God in others, seeing people's worth and value for who they are. Here's what I know, arguing about an ad isn't going to make one bit of difference in anyone's life. And the ad will soon be forgotten thankfully. Actually being with people will - especially those that are considered to be on the margins of society because of poverty, sexuality, race, and more, will have an impact. I'm sorry that the church has caused you harm and trauma.