Great article. It brought to mind a few things. I read recently a statement that caught my attention and I think relates with what you wrote - The history we were taught could not have produced the reality of today.
Second, Have you read "the Future of Nostalgia"? It's a great book that looks at the concept of nostalgia, along with history. It was written right soon after the fall of the Soviet Union and examines nostalgia in several cities of Europe, but I think the lessons apply well here too.
Third, This whole idea of bowing to predecessors. I think it's a bit off actually. I think it's far worse. I have a working theory that many people operate on the belief that they wholeheartedly believe that history started when they were born and it will end when they die. No wonder these folks don't want to see progress - it would be seen as a judgement on the entirety of history as they know it.