Hang in there Vance. You are not alone.
I'm not sure when the church as a whole in the West become what it is today - what you are describing as probably the norm - but it's not normal or healthy. And like all unhealthy things, it will die off and I don't think that's a bad thing.
We proclaim life, death, and resurrection, yet how many churches are so very afraid of the death part? Too many. But all churches have a life cycle and a life span. We can't cheat death. Nor should we. Because after death comes resurrection. And that is where new life happens. That's what I want to focus on. And that's why I say don't waste your time with the people who left because they wanted everything to stay the same. That's a losing proposition that goes no where.
I want to hang out with the people like you Vance - people who want to be disciples, to grow, to carry out mission. And there are others out there who do as well. Church is more than just some dumb membership club. It's a not a building. It's a mission that is about implementing the Kingdom of God in our midst. And that's incredible. I pray that you can find a community of believers who want move forward. Maybe you need to start something. I'm here for support Vance, regardless of where you are. You are not alone. Go do amazing things.