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Holy Saturday — “Fight Like Jesus” review
- Read the overview of the book “Fight Like Jesus” by Jason Porterfield here.
- Read about Palm Sunday here.
- Read about Holy Monday here.
- Read about Holy Tuesday here.
- Read about Holy Wednesday here.
- Read about Maundy Thursday here.
- Read about Good Friday here.
Holy Saturday is often seen as “nothing much happens on this day.” Except it’s not. Not according to the creeds which tell us that Jesus descends into Hell to end the reign of sin and death. Nothing like defeating a foe on their own turf. There are those that believe that Jesus also goes to Hell in order to free the souls trapped there from the beginning of time.
Porterfield reminds us that “the gospel writers say very little about Saturday of Holy Week. Matthew reports that the chief priests and Pharisees petitioned Pilate to place a guard at Jesus’ tomb (27:62–66). And Luke briefly states that after making preparations on Friday evening for Jesus’ burial, the women who had followed Jesus from Galilee rested on Saturday since it was the Sabbath (23:56). That’s it.” (pg. 167).
And so Porterfield proceeds to give us a sense of what the disciples were feeling. Maybe they felt fooled. After all, Jesus wasn’t the first person to claim the title of Messiah. Porterfield gives us a nice list of people who came before Jesus claiming the title — Simon of Perea, Athronges, Judas the son of…