Member-only story
How long, Oh Lord?
Some days that is all there is to do. By the end of the day yesterday, all I could do was lament.
Lamentation means “the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping.”
It’s also a book of the Bible — “a book of the Bible telling of the desolation of Judah after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC.”
I took both of these descriptions from Google.
Over the course of the day I heard many things that made me lament. I heard about a study of people who struggle economically — making up a significant percentage of our American population.
I had a conversation with someone who had been spiritually abused by Evangelical/Fundamentalist theology and churches. And unfortunately, this story is not unique.
I listened to a women experiencing homelessness lament about her situation saying “every time I get a break, I get sucked back down. I’m at my wits end.”
I listened to another individual and the pain they experience and not knowing what to do.
I heard about a man who spent all his money on his bills and had nothing left for the remainder of the month. It’s only December 6.
I heard about a man who’s work hours keeps getting cut back. He’s already homeless and with this cut, he doesn’t know where he will get food.
I read an article about the next pick by this Administration of the person to “lead” effort to combat homelessness…