I never understood this one. Jesus's first miracle was turning water into wine. Wine was commonly served throughout the world for ages because the water wasn't safe to drink. I've heard people give convoluted explanations as to why it wasn't alcohol infused wine which is just ridiculous and trying to twist something in order to say "I'm right" and here's something that points to it. I've always ended responding with well, I'm Lutheran before that was Catholic. We don't have an issue with consuming alcohol - just don't overdo it. Luther's wife made beer for him for goodness sake. And please don't lay a guilt trip on me about "what if someone sees me as a pastor having a drink and it causes them to go out and do such and so..." Nope. I refuse to take on that kind of responsibility for an abstract hypothetical example because I have a drink every so often while wearing a collar in public. Nope. I refuse your projection of guilt. you can keep it. Besides, there have been more than enough times in which me cracking open a bottle of beer while wearing a collar have actually lead to actual real conversations with people in public that would have never have happened otherwise. People who have had terrible experiences with religion and those who want to restrict everything under the sun. Coming across someone in a collar who was having a drink was a shock to them and allowed these folks to ask questions, open up, have real conversation. Those are hypotheticals. Those are real. I think people get caught up worrying about the wrong things far too often. That being said, addiction is real and it's a real problem. But it's not a problem for everyone and to impose a drinking ban on everyone because some have an issue is a problem. That doesn't mean people have to be cruel and drink in someone's face either. It's not a zero sum game or all or nothing. Critical thinking, moderation - not just in drinking, but in how we approach situations as well. Thanks for addressing the issue for the conversation.