I stopped saying the pledge several years ago. It was at that point that I noticed how often we do the pledge and we have "reminders" that we are Americans at events. Every single sporting event you go do has the national anthem. I still don't know what the national anthem has to do with the sporting event - especially when it's not an interntional sporting event. I'm pretty sure I haven't forgotten that I'm an American since the last public event I attended.
At any rate, for me, this has to do with the idea of allegiance. Allegiance means offering something that is above and beyond and first. I can't offer my allegiance to country and to God on an equal basis. And so I don't. I can't reconcile those two things. More power to others who can. I'm not interested in causing a disturbance or making a big deal out of my not pledging allegiance. For those who have no issue with this - more power to them. I just want to be left in peace.
And as a pastor, when I'm asked to do some kind of civic religion thing, I'm upfront about my practice with the group that is asking me to do some kind of prayer for their event so they know that I don't do the pledge and I explain why I don't. I haven't had an issue so far. At the same time, I've had fewer invitations over the years - which is fine by me, I'm not a big civic religion type of guy anyway.