I think a lot of what you have talked about in this article can also point to another underlying issue - most churches (at least it seems like middle class or wealthier congregations) have a primary fear. And that is losing people. The best way to ensure you don't lose people is to not offend anyone. The only way to do that is to make it bland, boring, and irrelevant.
On the other hand, if the message is engaging and relevant, it is likely to be controversial at some point. And people will leave.
The question is this - is the pastor willing to let people go? Is the church? The church needs to decide what's its purpose is - is it to maintain an institution or proclaim good news that sets people free. Good news that sets people free will always turn some away because they don't want transformation. To be transformed means that one is not in control anymore. And that comes into direct conflict with middle class and wealthy values. Look at who walked away from Jesus and why. It's the same reasons. If this happened to Jesus, why do we think it wouldn't happen to us?