I think it’s very complicated. I think it touches on deep subconscious ideas and beliefs. I wish there was an easy answer. The closest thing I have seen that makes any sense of this would this — There is what we claim we believe and what we truly believe (Based on what we say and do). And there is a gap between these two things. The Gospel exposes that gap in us. We choose how we respond to that exposure. Some respond by getting angry, by dismissing the exposure as if it didn’t exist. Some respond by calling names and diverting attention away from the pain that the exposure causes. Some scapegoat and blame. Some attack the ones who expose the gap — Even the people who heard Jesus tried to throw him off a cliff when he exposed this gap. And others will see the gap and say — Yup, I have some work to do. Those folks will recognize that their ideas and beliefs are out of alignment with God’s. Then comes the hard work of repentance and transformation, being open to being changed by God, and learning. You can add all sorts of specifics to this — law and gospel, specific issues, attitudes, culture, etc. What I’m proposing is more of a model that I have developed to try to get an understanding of it. It has been helpful for me thusfar. What are your thoughts on why this happens?