I think you are right and I think there is a another thing to add in. All the anti-Trans legislation and rhetoric and attacks match up with what humans have been doing for a long time - a lot of folks need an enemy or scapegoat. An enemy is essential for some people to help them define who they are by pointing out who they are not. These folks can't define who they in a positive way without pointing to who they are not. This isn't about portraying the enemy or scapegoat in a factual way either. An enemy or scapegoat helps them do this with the added "benefit" of painting oneself in a positive light versus the enemy or scapegoat who is clearly evil in their eyes. A caricature of sorts. All the better when an enemy or scapegoat is just an abstract idea, a boogey man of sorts, that these folks don't actually encounter on a personal level in which they actually get to know the enemy or scapegoat in any real way. The people who protest people embracing their identity are usually the ones who struggle with their own identity and who they are to be the most.