Leslie, I don't know in what way the church has hurt you, but clearly it has hurt you dearly. I don't make excuses for that. Harm cause by the church is wrong. In addition, we don't know each other. I'm not your enemy. I'm not an evangelical. There are welcoming and affirming churches that don't disqualify people because of who they are.
As far as my post goes, it's not an attempt to put a good face on evangelical Christianity. It's my attempt to deal with something that lots of people are talking about. I can't do anything about the ad or the funders. I can't change anything about the ad or the funders. I pointed out the criticisms of the ad and the funders. So the question is what can I do? I can attempt to live in a way that follows what Jesus said - to see the humanity in others, to love neighbors and enemies, to see the value and worth in people, to work towards shalom, to work towards justice where I can, etc.
And since you don't know me, let me just share that I serve as a pastor of an ELCA church that is diverse in race, language, and sexuality. I'm there because I wanted to go there. I have no desire to go back into a "typical" congregation that is far to homogeneous. Being at this church is healing for me in that allows me to see more of the image of God, rather than just a small slice.
The church as a whole has done some really horrible things to far too many people. I can hear that in your comments. I don't deny that and I don't endorse the cruelty and inhumanity. Again, I'm so very sorry that you have been treated as you have.