Our True Religion?

Pastor Matthew Best
4 min readMar 19, 2019

What is our true religion? What is our true faith? What is the god that we worship?

I think the answer varies. For some, the answer is pretty straight-forward: an established, traditional, religion or denomination.

In some cases, the answer is a bit more complex, subtle, and hidden. Sometimes I think there is an overlap between the two where the true faith is hidden beneath what one can see on the surface.

And of course, there are more than just these two simple answers — it is a range of answers really.

For example, one could argue that one of America’s true religions isn’t Christianity, so much as it is Comfort. Sometimes the religion of Comfort can take on the outward appearance of Christianity — having all the trappings of the faith. A passing glance, and sometimes more, would easily confuse the two. There are worship services, churches, pastors, organizational structure, etc. Often, the religion of Comfort co-exists and uses the church institution for its form. You can even hear the words of Christianity that make it hard to discern the difference. The religion of Comfort has no need to create its own structure — it can just piggyback off an existing structure. Creating it’s own structure would be too uncomfortable anyway.

But the religion of Comfort is different from Christianity. The religion of Comfort proclaims a message of status quo — that salvation comes through the maintenance of the status quo. It proclaims that a person’s life should not change. The religion of…



Pastor Matthew Best

My name is Matthew Best. I’m an ELCA (Lutheran) pastor who attempts to translate church and churchy stuff into everyday language.