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Political Idolatry Test
You may like this. You may hate it. My question is this — why?
Here’s a simple test to see if politics (partisanship actually) is your idol. An idol is something that a person worships, that acts like a god of some sort. An idol is the thing we look too for divine wisdom and salvation. It is a thing to pay attention to and follow. It has a high level of importance. An idol is considered sacred — so sacred that when someone touches it or messes with it, we get really upset. An idol shapes our identity.
Which are you more upset by:
A. preaching what Jesus said and calls on followers of Jesus to do that doesn’t match your political party platform and beliefs or the agenda of the politician you are loyal to.
Or B. Politicians and political parties whose stands are in conflict with what Jesus taught and calls on followers to live by?
Which could you more easily do:
A. Change your religious denomination/faith/church because what is being taught and proclaimed conflicts with your political party loyalty and positions.
Or B. Change your political party loyalty (or change to no political affiliation at all) because the party and politicians that represent it are in conflict with what Jesus taught?
Which would say is true:
A. Jesus is the Lord of all, that includes my politics.