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Prayer for April 16
Prayer for April 16: Please pray with me. God of peace, today we ask that you come to us with your way of peace. The world prefers conflict, winners and losers, separation, division, degrading, insult, war, death, sin. The world is addicted to these ways of being. It doesn’t know any other way. It isn’t willing to try another way. So give us the courage to live another way — the way of peace. Give us the courage to live peaceably in the face of conflict. Give us the courage to respond to conflict with love and peace. Peace is easy when there is an absence of conflict. But peace is powerful when it is not just the response to conflict, but the way of being. Peace is powerful when conflict approaches peace and tries to insist that it is normal. Peace isn’t weakness. It is courageous. It is refusing to do things in a way that separates us from God and others. Give us the courage to live by way of peace. Amen.