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Prayer for July 31
Prayer for July 31: Please pray with me. God who comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable, be with your servants. Give courage to those who speak out against injustice and inhumanity. Give courage to those who proclaim your kingdom to a world that is more interested in it’s own kingdoms. Give courage to those who are theologians of the cross — those who call evil what it is. Give courage to those who refuse to have blurred vision and refuse to see the Imago Dei in each person. Give courage to those who ask uncomfortable questions and state inconvenient truths. Give courage to those who make a public witness for the oppressed, exploited, and afflicted. Give courage to those who speak out in opposition to racism and all beliefs that dehumanize and devalue people. Give courage. Let your will be done Lord. Give us the courage to participate in the unfolding of your kingdom. Amen.
Originally published at on July 31, 2019.