Prayer for March 17, 2021

Prayer for March 17, 2021: Please pray with me. God who calls on us to follow, shape us in such a way that we are more concerned with living out the faith you give us, rather than worrying about what label we have. You are a God who calls us to be faithful, and to live faithfully. Others will know our faithfulness based on what they observe. The point though isn’t to receive accolades. It’s to live faithfully. To be invitational. To be welcoming. To offer grace and mercy. To be forgiving. To show love. To see the Image of God in others. Why? Because God has done these same things for us. And we are called to do them for others too. Amen.

Originally published at on March 17, 2021.



Pastor Matthew Best

My name is Matthew Best. I’m an ELCA (Lutheran) pastor who attempts to translate church and churchy stuff into everyday language.