Thanks for the question Jonathan. That's an interesting question. Here's what I don't believe to start off. It's not my job to save other people - I'm not a savior. If I had to sum up what why I'm here, it would be to follow the way of Jesus - to love my neighbor, to love my enemies, and to love God. That takes on many different forms, but it captures the core. For me that often plays out in working with people who are experiencing homelessness. Again, not to convert or save people, but to actually help them get out of homelessness. Part of that is being in relationship with folks and actually caring about them. They aren't a means to an end. They have value and worth in their very existence. I also try to do some advocacy to try and change policies that impact poverty to hopefully have a positive impact on people's lives. Does that answer your question?
What is your thoughts and beliefs about existence and purpose?