There needs to be a great pruning in the church. And when the pruning is done, there needs to be yet more. Redevelopment is a joke. It's rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. New Mission I can get on board with. But I am absolutely done with trying to convert the converted. They aren't interested and I'm not wasting my time or energy to fight people who are not interested in actually being transformed, regardless of the words they use to express sentiments otherwise. This is the state of the church. Let the dead bury the dead. And let those who want to be transformed be transformed. We'll do it somewhere else while we wait for the dead to die off. Because apparently that's the plan the church has - waiting for a generation to die. Great plan! How sad. How disheartening. I'm not waiting. Some of us have too much vision to sit around and wait. Some of us Gen X'ers have been screwed over by instititions long enough and say screw it - we're going and doing it anyway. Blessed are those who say screw it like the widow who cries justice and wears down the unjust judge. That's my new favorite parable. Blessed are the those who are a pain in the butt.