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What if God is doing something new?
As is common, certain articles go viral — especially related to the church. The question is why? Right now, there is an article circulating through social media written by a pastor who not only left his call, but also the pastorate. You can read the article here.
Many pastors have read this article and there are two common themes that I have seen in the responses. 1. The biggest response has been for pastors to say — “yup, that’s so true.” 2. The second response is typically smaller in volume and centers around what might be called social justice considerations, for lack of a better way of describing it.
I found the article to be interesting, and part of a larger theme that I think we often miss, unless we see integrative so much of life really is.
So, let me present a third-way response. It can summed up with the question — What if God is doing something new?
You see, throughout Scripture, the theme of God doing something new is pretty common. One example if Isaiah 43. It’s a passage of scripture that has the prophet Isaiah speaking words of hope to people who are in exile — people who are lost, hopeless, and see no future. A common English translation says it this way:
“I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19, NRSV)