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When did the church start to proclaim crappy things?
At what point did it become normal and expected for the church (I’m speaking in broad strokes here), to proclaim crappy news and a gospel that brings people down?
I have seen far too many examples over the years of church being the exact opposite of what it claims it is and what the message is.
I just finished reading three articles on how churches have degraded and demeaned women. I didn’t have to go searching for these articles. And they aren’t the only ones. These women were women in ministry and they were ignored and passed by men because the men couldn’t imagine these women in ministry. This isn’t anything new of course. And that’s not an excuse. But seriously, why does this continue? I thought we were about valuing people and seeing the image of God in all people. But there is a strain of church in which the gospel of demeaning and putting women in their place and devaluing women is considered good news. If that’s good news, I don’t need it. And neither does anyone else.
I have seen examples of churches that have focused on proclamation of damnation. Why? To scare people into holiness? That doesn’t even make sense. If fear is your message, then where is the good news? Good News is supposed to free people from fear, not chain them in it.
I have seen examples of churches who find ways to separate people and “otherize” people. The stupid church sign that says that heaven has strict immigration policies but hell doesn’t. Umm, sorry, but you…