Yes, except for #9. But I would say that it's not an all or nothing type of thing. I think fiction books will go all digital. But I'm not sure about all non-fiction. Non-fiction is often more specialized with information. For example I much rather prefer printed books when it comes to theological information. Part of this is because of my being a pastor and how I use the information and where I need to pull it from. Often I will remember there is something in a book I read, remember the cover, and remember about how far in the book the reference was, but not remember specifics (which means I could not do a search because I don't have the words to search). But a physical book is something I held in my hand and I remember how along in the book it was. That all may sound crazy, but it's what works for me. I have colleague who prefer physical books on specific subjects for their own crazy reasons too. But as far as fiction and other types of non-fiction that aren't related to my work, I can totally see them completely shifting digital. I hope that make sense.